Custom header image for WordPress website with Polylang plugin

I was looking for a solution to make custom header image for multi-language WordPress website by using some plug-in solutions and came across a problem since the theme I was using wasn’t supporting the custom headers, hence those plug-ins showed no header image whatsoever. Read how I did it and learn how to make Polylang… Continue reading Custom header image for WordPress website with Polylang plugin

Untranslated WooCommerce strings in Cart and Checkout pages

Learn how to translate WooCommerce strings like Update Cart and I’ve read and accept the terms & conditions which remain untranslated after plugin update. In my case French language is the primary WordPress language (no additional languages areĀ  being used hence no Loco nor WPML plugins are installed) and the strings like Product, Price, Quantity,… Continue reading Untranslated WooCommerce strings in Cart and Checkout pages

Recommended Server Configuration for WordPress environment

In case you don’t have your own server or you work in different server environments, here are some settings worth checking before installing WordPress in order for the platform to work good. Here is the list of recommended server configuration for WordPress environment. php.ini file In php.ini file define the following: upload_max_filesize = 128M post_max_size… Continue reading Recommended Server Configuration for WordPress environment

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Remove index.php from permalink in WordPress

After WordPress migration to another server, which don’t necessarily have to have the same settings as the one you are migrating from, there is a chance of having “index.php” added to your URL. This can often lead to 404 missing page error and it disrupts friendly URL’s. Learn how to remove index.php from permalink in… Continue reading Remove index.php from permalink in WordPress